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Fiber to the Home

Select your Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Modem Below


The Calix 803G is a pass-through/full bridge modem that works with our GigaSpire BLAST WiFi routers to offer you the best speeds in your home!


Power Light

  • Will be GREEN if everything is working properly.
  • RED light may indicate a bad power supply or ONT. Please call the support center.


Broadband Light


  • Will be GREEN if everything is working properly.
  • If light is RED, check fiber plugged in back and not pinched and if light is still notGREEN, please call support center.


Service Light

  • Power light and broadband light need to be GREEN to work.
  • If service light is RED, please call the support center.


Ethernet & Phone Light


  • Will only be GREEN if devices are plugged into them.
  • If still RED then there's an issue with device connected to it, please call the support center.


**803G supports our GigaSpire Blast Solution Routers, but can also support BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) router. Please note that if you choose to use your own router and are having issues, there may be a truck roll fee if the issue proves to be the customer's BYOD router]


The Calix GP1100X is a passthrough/full bridge modem, similar to the Calix 803G, that works with your GigaSpire Blast WiFi Router.



Power Light

  • Will be GREEN if everything is working properly.
  • RED may be bad power supply or ONT, please call support center.

Broadband Light

  • Will be GREEN if everything is working properly.
  • If light is RED check fiber plugged in back and not pinched and if still not GREEN, call support center.

Service Light

  • Power light and broadband light need to be GREEN to work.
  • If service light is RED, please call support center.

Ethernet & Phone Light


  • Will only be GREEN if devices are plugged into them.
  • If RED then there's an issue with device conencted to it, please call support cetner.



Curious About the Fiber Process?


We want to show you all the steps when it comes to constructing an entire fiber network

Click the Fiber Process button below to see how the magic happens!


Fiber Process

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